Open Space is a term that we hear quite often and is very much in the news these days. Open space is a broad term for undeveloped land which can include areas of natural, historic, ecological, and economic value. The question often arises as to why we should protect open space, and the answer has been found in communities across the nation. By preserving open space, we can preserve community character, protect water resources which may be needed in the future for drinking, enhance the community and make it more attractive, protect habitats which in turn preserves biodiversity, provide areas for passive recreation, and keep property taxes down. It's obvious that the benefits of protecting land are far reaching and significant.

Summit Heights

Acreage:         3.65
Location:        109 Rosemary Road
Parking:Public access and on street parking available at the end of Rosemary Rd.
Trail: Easy walking "Orange" blazed loop trail.
Special Note:Dogs are allowed but must be leashed. Owners are also expected to clean up dog waste. Please be respectful of your fellow hikers. We ask that visitors respect the fragility of nature and remain on the path. No wheeled vehicles of any kind are allowed.
Background:Open space was acquired through a conveyance from Robert and Mark Capanna. Trail was created by Christine "Tina" Barry as a Girl Scout Gold Award project. Grand opening was held October 11, 2008. Eagle Scout Project completed by Nick Coehlo July/August 2014. In July Nick and his family helped a PLT volunteer work crew clear a considerable amount of overgrowth from the trail. At the August Board meeting Nick presented his proposal for further improvements with the primary objective of making the trail more visible and appealing to passerby, and thereby increase its utilization. Nicks project consisted of installing a split rail fence, weed mat, mulch and trail improvements. An informational kiosk was also built and installed. 
Features:Clearly marked loop trail through natural woodlands, wetland area. The trail has stepping stone paths, sitting areas (benches) and is ideal for beginners of all ages.
This property may also provide future connections to other open space parcels on adjacent lands owned by the Town of Prospect.

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